This past weekend, I had the honor of teaching a workshop on Influencer Marketing for CreatorUp at USASBE - the biggest global organization for Entrepreneurship Educators.
I'm Teaching A CreatorUp/New Filmmakers Workshop Next Week!
I'm teaching a workshop next Tuesday in at the CreatorUp Studios on Branded Content for CreatorUp and New FilmmakersLA! Sign up here.
Pictures From My Guest Speaking Engagement At The Art Institute Hollywood!
On February 13, 2015 I was taught the Animation Department at Art Institute Hollywood about the animation business and 3D printing. I had an incredible time showing the students the UP Mini 3D printer as I printed model during my lecture. The topics ranged from 3D Printing in the Animation industry to converting 2D designs into tangible objects. The students and instructors were quite impressed and the class went 1 hour over as students watched the 3D printer do it's work while asking my Eezitec team questions about the technology. I'm always fond of sharing my knowledge with people and as I grow as an entrepreneur in the 3D Printing space, I aim to spread what I've learned to anyone interested.